Tibetan monk visits Pine Island
Friday afternoon Geshe Thupten Phelgye visited Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary to bless the animals there. Many islanders arrived to have their dogs, cats and other animals blessed by Geshe.
“We really have a great turnout,” Gary Pierson said. “Next year, if Geshe can arrange it into his schedule, he will give a talk on the island.”
Geshe’s message is one of universal compassion. – not just for humans but for all animals including those in the sea and even bugs.
“All animals are in the family of sentient beings,” Geshe said. “Humans and animals have the same desires to live in peace without suffering – not wanting pain and suffering.”
Helping Paws Animal Sanctuary is at 10060 Mallory Parkway in St. James City. For more information about the facility, call 239-283-9100.