
Actions of Fire Board, firefighters union questioned

4 min read

To the editor:

The actions taken by our Fire Board and the firefighters union with regard to the referendum to raise the millage rate for the Matlacha/Pine Island Fire Control District should be suspect to anyone understanding the duties and responsibilities of all involved.

First, there is the timing for submitting the referendum for consideration. While the commissioners began discussions in October of 2013, the actual determination to submit the 25 percent increase referendum was voted on by the Fire Board in the Jan. 22, 2014, board meeting but then shows to have been publicly advertised in the News-Press July 22 and Aug. 5, leaving little time for discussions prior to the Aug. 26 election date. Further to this point, there were three commissioners seats up for election this year but submission to the supervisor of elections for candidate was required by the end of July; only 7 business days after the first advertisement. Commissioners Cox and Cammick were left unopposed and Tonya Player submitted her filing for the vacant third seat as detailed in her letter to the editor appearing in the July 30 edition of the Eagle. She stated that she was asked to run and asked for our support of the millage rate increase referendum. The cut-off date for Eagle letters in that edition was July 25, days after the News-Press advertisement. The point here is that, there was no time for the citizenry to digest and react prior to the July candidate submission cut-off.

Second, there is the action of the firefighters’ union in preparing political advertisement in support of the rate increase in order to fund “- Mandates for replacing bunker gear Technology updates for radio and computer communications Air pack required replacement Lower response times throughout the district with station #4.” A collective bargaining union exists to represent the benefit of a class of employees’ wage, hours and working conditions. It is a far stretch for this union to lobby politically for equipment and infrastructure funding when this same union has argued against funding these necessities in past years’ budget preparation in favor of labor funding.

Third, there are the actions of Commissioner Cox, Commissioner Cammick and Past Chief Bradley in publicly supporting the rate increase. Commissioner Cox placed advertisement in the Eagle asking for support. Commissioner Cammick wrote a strange letter to the editor indicating past mistakes made by commissioners and then asking for support. It would have been better decorum for our commissioners, who are entrusted with proper stewardship of our tax dollars, to present the case and then allow the voters to make their individual decisions. These two commissioners took it upon themselves to ask for our favorable support. Let’s hope neither becomes a judge lest they may ask the jury for a certain decision. Past Chief Bradley placed his letter to the editor also asking for support. Bradley was awarded a consulting contract of $3,700 per month in the Jan. 22 board meeting the same meeting where our Commissioners set the request for the 25 percent increase referendum.

Forth, there were those “Vote Yes” yard signs funded by the firefighters’ union. These signs were placed in front of Lee County lands, vacant properties and in the public right of ways. In one case, I personally observed Commissioner Cammick placing one of these signs in front of a business after closing time. Cammick, who represents the taxpayers as management, placing a political sign paid for by the firefighters’ union? The action may not be illegal but is most certainly distasteful and likely unethical. The next morning, the sign was gone. I suppose the business owner was not consulted prior to the placement.

Who do these people serve?

Bob Elder

Past commissioner and chairman,

Matlacha/Pine Island

Fire Control District