
Reflective clothing or lighting can help save lives

1 min read

To the editor:

Thousands of school bound children throughout our county are at risk in darkness each class day morning. It would be nice if, as of tomorrow, every thoroughfare had adequate lighting and sidewalks. However, we are always expanding and there is much catching up to do. Until such time as the infrastructure is adequate, every child without exception, must be individually protected with reflective clothing (vests or sashes) or lighting.

Responsibility for safety starts with each child and its family. Unfortunately this challenge is not being met. With this being the case, it is up to the Lee County Board of Education to immediately define appropriate reflective and/or personal lighting needs and to issue or mandate the necessary items. We must follow up on this issue. There is no satisfaction in saying “I told you this would happen” after a preventable accident.

Alan Weissman

Cape Coral