Motorcyclist injured in crash released from hospital
A motorcyclist has been released from the hospital following an accident in which a pedestrian died five months ago.
As of Tuesday, Leslie S. Foreman, 57, of 6600 Industrial Drive, Fort Myers, had been discharged from Lee Memorial Hospital, where he was taken after the March 15 crash on Cape Coral Parkway East.
At about 9:30 p.m., Foreman was headed eastbound on a Honda motorcycle when he struck Joseph Dellifranci, 60, of 4813 Atlantic Court, Apt. 4, in the 700 block. According to police, Dellifranci was trying to cross the road, but he did not use a marked crosswalk. Foreman was ejected from the bike.
The Honda continued eastbound, crashing into a Ford pickup truck stopped at Coronado Parkway.
Foreman sustained life-threatening injuries and was transported to the hospital in critical condition. Dellifranci also sustained life-threatening injuries, according to police. While en route to Lee Memorial Hospital, he was rerouted to Cape Coral Hospital, where was pronounced dead shortly after arrival.
The driver of the Ford, Thomas Bivona, 55, of 4920 S. Chiquita Blvd., Apt. 205, sustained minor injuries in the crash and was transported to Cape Coral Hospital. He was treated and released.
Police reported that alcohol and drugs were not a factor in the accident.