PIUMC to host special performance Feb. 20
Jennifer Nagy will perform at a concert, singing and praising HIS glory and giving testimony as a missionary for International Messengers.
The concert will be Sunday Feb. 20, at 3 p.m. at the Pine Island United
Nagy has been a missionary in Poland for two years and hopes to continue for two more years. She teaches conversational English, drama and after school care at Samuel Christian School in Warsaw. In the summer Nagy serves with teams from the US and Canada leading worship and teaching English at IM’s evangelistic English camps. She also serves as the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Coordinator at the International Christian Fellowship Church, serving the English speaking community, meeting with young adults from all over the world.
Nagy has a theater degree from Boston University. She performed in Boston after college, and cabarets in New York and Cape Cod before moving to Savannah Georgia. After serving on two short term mission trips to Poland with her Savannah Church music worship team her life changed.
Nagy’s parents, Bob and Karen Nagy, and grandparents, Vi and Orv May reside in St. James City.