Read ‘What Happened to the Human Race’
To the editor:
There was a lonely voice crying in the wilderness in the 1970s. He wrote a book: “What Happened to the Human Race.” But like all prophets before him, he was ignored not only by his brethren, but by a world, gradually then, but more rapidly now, and sinking into a godless society. He warned of the slippery slope that the world was entering. Roe vs Wade had just been passed. The secular world thought it was a good idea, ignoring the victim while eliminating the perpetrator to the level of a savior. No more unwanted babies. No more having to bear a child of rape or incest. No more bearing the shame of a night of illicit passion. After all, how many abortions could there be? We are are a civilized nation. Only the unfortunate would have to take advantage of the new law.
Little did we know. But he knew and he knew where it could lead. It was only a few years later the “right” was expanded to include a child almost to the point of birth being dispatched as unwanted garbage. Now it included the damaged, or those of the wrong sex, It was a little neater than the Romans or Greek approach. If the baby wasn’t aborted before birth, it was just left to die on the town’s garbage dump.
Slowly, other “rights” crept in, sodomy, porn. All those laws about adultery, lying, murder, stealing, coveting, called the Ten Commandments, given to us by God, our creator, so that we and our children could live a life of freedom from fear or want. But we have put God behind the closed doors of the church and the church has left the field of battle. Do we have a better life, free of all that excess baggage? Are we happier or safer?
We don’t let our children out of our sight because of pedophiles. We are bombarded with sex, increasingly bordering on porn in all areas of life. After all, sex sells. We ban cigarettes, excess salt and fat in our diets, but allow filth to permeate our minds and souls. And we use more drugs, both legal and illegal to get us through the day.
Polygamy, bigamy, pedophilia and euthanasia are now being tossed into the mix to see if maybe, we can become more liberated from our “repressive” past. The slope is getting steeper and we are moving faster and faster down it. All this was foretold by Francis Schaefler and it behooves us to get his book and read it.
Doris Heyns
Cape Coral