More than just farm workers
To the editor:
I just finished reading the article in the Eagle regarding the Pink Citrus threatened closing.
I’d like to commend Betsy Haesemeyer president of PILTRO for moving so quickly to begin to address the problem.
As I read the article I began to see that there was great concern for the residents of the park. Those who provide farm labor and the labor for the island’s palm tree growers.
This raised questions in my mind. Are these people preparing to help the residents of Pink Citrus aware that there are other people residing here that are not farm workers? Are they aware that there are other people in the park who will need help as well? Even at this early stage of preparation to help why is there no mention of the residents who are not farm workers?
I am retired and not a farm worker. Pink Citrus has been my home for 12 years. I will be displaced as well as the farm workers. There are other people in the park who are not farm workers some residing here longer than me. These people are holding their own financially like me. Having to leave our homes will be an emotional and financial strain on all of us farm workers and non farm workers.
So Betsy and the others working on a plan to help please develop a plan that will help all the residents of Pink Citrus. My personal thanks to all of you for caring.
Armand (Marty)Martin
Pink Citrus