Beacon of H.O.P.E. concerns
I feel compelled to write this editorial because I am very upset about what I have seen happening at the Beacon of H.O.P.E. I, along with others who share my concern, and are signing this letter, were volunteers at the Thrift Store. Some for only a year, others since its inception.
Sheri Dube and Barb Peckinpaugh both put their hearts, souls, spirit, sweat and tears into the running of the Thrift Store and the Community Service Center. Both resigned due to intimidation and harassment from the self-appointed executive director and others on the Board of Directors. Both of these very competent women believed in the mission of the Beacon. To help the people in need in the Pine Island community.
In the beginning, whin I and others started, all the help was volunteer, except Barb and Sheri. It was a fun, positive, hardworking, all inclusive kind of place. The Beacon has turned into a place where employees and volunteers are not happy, being intimidated with raised voices, schedules being changed at the last minute, and intimations that they do not dress properly or communicate correctly. At least two people were falsely accused of taking merchandise and several others were fired for petty reasons. Everyone now makes certain that they keep their sales receipt.
I worked in the receiving area sorting and pricing and the majority of people bringing in donations do so because they also believe in the Mission of the Beacon, and this is their way of helping. It seems now though, that the mission of the Beacon of H.O.P.E. has more to do with someone’s idea of acceptability, appearance and control of it all. I think that this attitude is just not right!
While I applaud the additional help to expand and reach more people in need on Pine Island when they joined forces with the United Way and AARP, for some reason, one of the goals was “to get all the right people in” who would go along with the program of a few on the Board. Serious pressure, intimidation and false accusations were applied to meet those goals. It has harmed the good will, camaraderie and genuine spirit of helping.
Hopefully when the board has elections a new director with a more genuine interest in good will and the true spirit and mission of the Beacon at heart will be elected. This is Pine Island!
I pray that the Beacon of H.O.P.E. does not implode under all this pressure and unrest.
Marian S. Costa
Karen Coad
Karen J. Sherwood
Diane A. Lane
Barbara Mahaffey
Kathleen Mahaffey
Jo deShaw