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Support local businesses

By Staff | Jul 27, 2010

To the editor:

The American Legion, Post 136 of St. James City, Florida would like to thank the Pine Island Chamber of Commerce for their continued support and assistance in helping veterans and their families.

Thanks to the leadership of D.J. Ruscik, Past President of the Chamber, the businesses, people and organizations of Pine Island benefit from their commitment to excellence.

Please support the Chamber by supporting the businesses and organizations of Pine Island. Take a boat ride with Tropic Star or Island Girl Charters out of Pineland Marina. Visit some of our privately owned fabulous restaurants. Hire Pine Island landscapers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters and all the other hard working members of the Chamber and neighbors of yours! If you want to learn how to catch a fish, hire one of the Chamber’s registered local guides!

Even if you think you are a “local”, stop into the Chamber of Commerce to obtain some really nice discounts and places that you and your family might really like to frequent!

For God and Country,

Capt. Barry August, Commander, Post 136

St. James City