Stop passing on blame and solve the problem
To the editor:
There are two sides to every story. And then there is the truth. Do we really know what goes on behind the scenes? Regarding the Gulf Oil Crisis; I was listening to “Face the Nation”, this past Sunday morning, May 30, and grew quite tired of the blame game exchange. It occurred to me that in the 30 minutes or so that had passed, the drilling and pressing of a BP representative to admit blame and additional lying to the public, could have been better spent working on a solution. As a team. How selfish of the media, or any public individual to waste time and participate in diversion of the facts, when all of us are faced with such a devastating occurrence. My heart goes out to our Island fishermen, some, who are personal friends, as well as every person, place, thing and wildlife that will be affected by this disaster.
It is rare or not at all that I ever participate in any political views. It just seems to be wiser, and time better spent, working on a solution, rather than waste time assigning blame. To say this disaster is heartbreaking is a dramatic understatement.
Maggie DellaGiustina