Time to clean out the bread box
To the editor:
If you find a loaf of bread in the bread box would you try to cut out the mold until you eventually got to some good bread or would you throw it out? If you do not throw it out, it will get rotten and eventually totally corrupt.
Politicians are just like bread only their evil box is called Washington, D. C. If you leave them in their box too long they eventually get corrupt. You have to throw them out while they are still moldy. That is the best way to impose term limits. You and I can easily do that by cleaning out the “evil bread box” this November by throwing them ALL out and start with a fresh loaf of bread. When the new bread starts to get moldy throw it out with the trash!
This November, clean out the bread box, right down to the very last crumb!
Capt. Barry August
St. James City