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Lee County Red Kettle update

By Staff | Dec 24, 2009

All week, the thoughts of The Salvation Army have been like the little train that thought it could. But as each day’s kettles are tallied, it seems as though the little train is having to climb an even steeper hill. Not just in Lee County, but mostly all the Red Kettles of The Salvation Army are experiencing shortages in meeting their annual goal. This year, a couple of rainy days teamed up with a struggling economy and exiting residents have brought the Red Kettle campaign short of meeting its goal. In Lee County, the Christmas fund-raising efforts are down by 30 percent.

What is Needed: Looking at the donations that have come in, The Salvation Army is only at 77 percent of its goal. Comparing last year to the same time this year, The Army is lagging by $13,000. It will take a miracle from yesterday to Christmas Eve at $45,000 a day to achieve goal.

What Can Be Done To Help: Answer the Bell! When you hear the bell, please give. No amount is too small. The campaign will continue through Christmas Eve through the iconic red kettles at area grocery stores and malls but also online at www.SalvationArmyLeeCounty.org.

The importance of the Red Kettles not only help needy families at Christmas, but they sustain programs and services throughout the year – food pantry, medical clinic for the homeless, women and children’s shelter, and outreach community efforts. Since 1951, The Salvation Army has been helping people right here in Lee County on a 12-month calendar year. In 2008, it distributed over 33,000 bags of food, provided 19,000 evening meals and made Christmas happier for over 10,000 kids.

Source: Salvation Army of Lee County