Somebody should do something
The world is full of people who see a problem, yet wait for someone else to fix it.
The world is full of people who think, “Wouldn’t it be nice if …?” but then they sit around waiting for someone else to make it happen.
The world is full of people who think, “One of these days I’m going to …” but then they never do.
Thankfully, there are a few people in the world who see a problem, or have an idea, and actually make the effort to make it happen, to be part of the solution, to solve the problem.
The Pine Island Public Library was recently on the receiving end of just such a process.
Trenton Morell and his family live in Fort Myers, but come to Pine Island on the weekends. They often drop by the Pine Island Library. Trent noticed that some of the larger libraries have “Chess Anyone?” programs and wondered why the Pine Island Library didn’t offer a chess program. When he found out that our library didn’t own any chess sets, he decided that he would solve that problem.
Trent decided to sell candy bars and use the money raised to purchase chess sets for the Pine Island Library.
Trent presented six brand new chess sets to the Pine Island Library on Saturday, Oct. 17. The best part about this story is the fact that Trenton Morell is 13 years old. This teenager had the initiative and the drive to make something happen. This teenager went out of his way to make a difference. This teenager should be a role model to all of us.
So the next time you think, “Somebody should do something…” think of Trent Morell and make that “somebody” you!
Tanya Player is the associate librarian at the Pine Island Public LIbrary.