The Bob Janes Preserve – A piece of paradise preserved forever
I am honored and humbled that the former Babcock Ranch Preserve is now
named the Bob Janes Preserve.
Lee County citizens are so very lucky that this beautiful slice of old
Florida is forever preserved under our wonderful Conservation 20/20
I remember when the Babcock family began to truly and seriously talk
about selling their land in 2003 – 2004. These 4,562 acres had been in
the family for many generations and had welcomed Florida politicians
(including governors), old Florida families and celebrities to hunt and
enjoy the property. When the sale talk began, I immediately realized its
environmental potential and wanted to get intimately involved in the
acquisition process. As the Lee County Board of County Commissioner’s
representative on this project, I jumped on the chance for acquisition
and became active in the process, knowing that it would be a boon for
Lee County citizens.
It’s been a lot of fun to be a part of the county-wide acquisition team
of non-profits, planners, environmentalists and business people; and the
outcome is and now will remain a very valuable green corridor for Lee
I also am truly appreciative and honored to accept the $82,301.86 which
was provided to the Board of County Commissioners from the Babcock
Preservation Partnership. I am deeply grateful to the non-profit
environmental groups such as the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary
Program, other grassroots citizen’s groups and individuals, who gathered
numerous signatures and sold T-shirts to help acquire the land.
Charlotte County Commissioner Adam Cummings should be commended for
sharing our vision and the late Regional Planning Council Director David
Burr also should be recognized for being instrumental in the process.
Our volunteers on the 20/20 Committee made the acquisition a major
priority, and County Lands and County Parks and Recreation staff,
especially Cathy Olson, worked diligently to move this sale forward
providing support throughout the process.
In appreciation to all of these folks, a plaque will be dedicated to the
site for everyone who played a part in acquiring this land and everyone
who spoke in favor of this tract of priceless property.
For all those who have yet to make the trek out the northeast Lee County
to visit the land, Bob Janes Preserve is very beautiful and reminds
visitors of old-time Florida. The trees are old oaks, pines and cypress.
I’ve seen alligators and fox squirrels out there and all kinds of wading
birds. I’ve heard song birds singing in the trees and frogs calling from
the swamps. It truly is what people used to think of as beautiful
natural Southwest Florida and was the historic first sign to travelers
that they were moving into the one-of-a-kind Big Cypress Swamp and
Everglades ecosystems.
Lee County Parks and Recreation will provide trails for hiking and
equestrian riding to the site when financially feasible. We can also
hope that all of our Lee County preserves will invite eco-tourism to our
area to reinvigorate our economy and provide additional recreation to
our visitors.
Truly I am grateful. We all should be very happy to have this piece of
Florida forever preserved.
Source: Commissioner Bob Janes’ office