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Thank you to a special angel

By Staff | Sep 8, 2009

To the Editor:

In mid-May of this year, I ended a five-day vacation in New Jersey in the hospital with a blood clot and pneumonia. Came home on blood thinners and extremely weak. Note, I already have COPD and a pace maker. My condition was grave. Between then and August my recovery was slow at best. On Aug. 17, I called 9-1-1 with severe chest pain, taken by ambulance to Cape Coral Hospital and during the next several days, tested, treated and home to recover. These bumps in my road have been pot holes. Did I mention I’m 66 years old and have been disabled for several years?

First, a very special thank you to the Pine Island Fire Rescue (EMT) who responded, treated and transported me. Fast, professional, compassionate pros. The best of the best.

Now to my Pine Island angels. Beginning in May till now, my next door neighbor, Marge, has not only checked on my condition and my wife’s condition, she has cut our grass, driven my wife to the hospital, lent my wife her car to visit me in the hospital while our car was in for repair and continues to offer any assistance that’s needed. She was never asked to do all these wonderful things and has given me such peace of mind, saved us from costs we can’t afford, etc. “Neighbor helping neighbor.” She truly is an angel along with my beautiful wife who also has many struggles. These two ladies make my heart soar with gratitude and appreciation to be here on Pine Island.

Marge truly is an angel and the best neighbor ever.

Also thank you to other neighbors who volunteered their help.

James E. Bird

St. James City