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Government should stop spending money it doesn’t have

By Staff | Jun 9, 2009

To the Editor:

Government is taking away the rights of free enterprise by taking over the auto and banking industry, and proposing health-care reform. The problem with the economy is not the hard working people or entrepreneurs, but the government itself. They are the ones that put us in this situation. The House and Senate pass laws and rules that benefit their own pockets or their families’ pockets. If you really look into the “earmarks,” you will see they are not for the average citizen but select groups, organizations and their own benefit.

Webster’s dictionary defines czar as the ruler of Russia until the 1917 revolution or one having great power or authority. What is the president trying to change us into by naming an auto czar and a financial regulatory czar? I am sure next we will have a gun czar and heath-care czar. Czars do not take direction from anyone but themselves.

They have not been able to run the government efficiently so how do we expect them to efficiently run any companies they take over. Most of these people in office have never worked in the real world or know what it is to start a business or work your way up in a company or work on a line in an auto plant. The average person doesn’t spend money he or she doesn’t have so what gives them the right to put us in such debt.

Joe Loibl
