Job well done!
To the Editor:
After over 30 years of dedicated service in Lee County Schools as a physical education teacher, assistant principal, health teacher and a most passionate mentor for generations of families and professionals, Mrs. Vickie Allender is retiring from Trafalgar Middle on April 24.
Looking back at how you have positively touched the lives of so many through the years, words could never completely express the feelings and emotions of your influence on those whose lives you have touched during your career. You will be deeply missed by those who will never know. However, this is a time for celebration for a job well done.
With the barrage of sad news that streams to us every day, it is wonderful to know that this is not the end of a successful career, but a beginning to move on to fulfill other life-long dreams, adventures and endeavors. Wherever life’s journey may bring you, you will never stop being “Coach P.”, “Miss Parente” or “Mrs. Allender.”
Best wishes to you on your first adventure in Alaska. We all wait in anticipation of what is to follow. Just remember, the big paper comes on Sunday.
With love and admiration,
Present and former
students and families
Present and former colleagues,
Bob Allender