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Breast Fest 2009 thank you

By Staff | Apr 7, 2009

To the Editor:

Words cannot express the pride we feel for having the privilege to walk, once more, in the Pine Island Breast Fest. We set the goal this year of meeting last year’s donation total. Through the generosity and support of family, friends, the Matlacha Hookers, Charlotte Shores Neighbors, Fishers of Men Lutheran Church and the Greater Pine Island Lions, we had to change that goal more than once! As a survivor, the generosity of your donations has been overwhelming!

The funds raised will be used to help those Lee County individuals that are in need because breast cancer strikes both men as well as women. Just think, your donation will touch someone whom you will never know except for knowing that you helped! Cancer, in all forms, has affected each and everyone of us somehow.

It will only take one cure!

From our hearts to yours,

Kat DiTrapini

and Kayln Horney