
Synchronized swim club signing up new members

2 min read

A new synchronized swim club has already made a splash on the statewide swimming scene. Now the group wants to extend an invitation to others to join the fledgling organization.
Sunshine Synchro Splash, a Pine Island and Cape Coral-based start-up, earned four first place and one second place finishes at a synchronized swim meet in Daytona Beach in February.
Club founder and former nationally ranked synchronized swimmer Wendy Stafford said she created the program to give something back to the community by offering an opportunity for children to learn life skills along with synchronized swimming techniques.
Stafford said she is pleased that her students placed as well as they did, especially given the fact that none of them had been involved in a competition before.
“They were really excited,” she said. “This is the first time they’ve had a competition, and they are all moving along nicely.”
To help showcase the new club and the emerging talent of her students, Stafford plans on having an open demonstration at the Pine Island pool Saturday.
Stafford currently has 20 open spots on her roster for the upcoming spring recreational classes.
“The demonstration’s purpose is two fold — to prepare them for their upcoming meet in Largo, and for the spring classes that start in March,” she said. “We’ll have a 20-minute demo at Pine Island pool. They’ll have their hair up, showing some of the skills they have.”
For Stafford and Sunshine Synchro Splash publicity chairperson Natalie Sauter, the club gives children an opportunity to be active and healthy, even if they are not interested in traditional sports.
“Perhaps children that don’t like to play soccer or softball, they would want to jump in the water and get a different form of exercise,” Sauter said. “We want to show the parents there’s something new going on.”
The demonstration takes place at 2 p.m. at the Pine Island Community Pool, 5675 Sesame Drive, Bokeelia.
Spring recreational classes run from 5:45-6:45 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, from March 31-May 21. Fees are $50 for four weeks of training, with a one-time $35 registration fee to United States Synchronized Swimming.
For more information, contact Stafford at 233-3813, or e-mail